Re: Moderator Help Requested, PLEASE
Again I am stating the obvious-some alternatives do exit to Lugol/iodoral out there.
Now what I want to know and others as well is who on this Forum is using it ?
Also what are the results as compared to lugol/iodoral?
Are people mixing up the two ?
MDs that advocate Lugol/Iodoral- where are their studies in regards to the alternative treatments ? I want to know and others as well I think..
Finally I do not deny the effectivemess of Lugol/iodoral for the short -term and possibly mid iterm basis .
But for to state that since "Japanese people have been eating 25-50 mgs of iodine/iodide on a daily basis-those that are following the traditional diet and we can pinpoint variosu health benefits -like for women, few breast cancers,menaupause problems etc.."
But to somehow cocnlude that if one takes Lugol/iodine which is derived from a mineral one will have the same benefits...humm that remidns me of the various cancer treatments that are failing each time the scientists come up with another so-called miracle cure..
Conclusion ,the iodine/iodide derivied from the seaweeds,fishes etc is equivalent n NOT equal to iodide/iodine derived from potassium iodine..
Notes-I have asked a doctor(retired) if he could possibly look into the above;he is now advocating Lugol/iodoral.We will see what comes out of it..
If anyone haw had feedbacks from health professional that have switched their patients from iodiral/Lugol to one of the alternative products please do post it here..
I do urge people to be cautious and not go overboard with iodoral/Lugol.Not to overdo it.