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Re: Kathryn101 and everyone else - how can I heal this pink skin?
kathryn101 Views: 2,764
Published: 18 y
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Re: Kathryn101 and everyone else - how can I heal this pink skin?

You don't need the flannel for this...when "I" used it...I just pulled the end off
of a Q-tip and used just that little bit of cotton. And dabbing it on and massaging
it in for a couple of minutes and then putting the cotton and bandaid on should do
the trick.

It may take a week or two...just be patient.

My 2 places were between the corner of my eye and the hair line. They just came off
in no time and after a while of the castor oil...left no scar whatsoever. I'm telling you...within 2 weeks or less...I went from ugly blimps to nothing whatsoever.
I've had our daughter do this...and I've worked on moles & warts on my husband...
I've even tied string on skin tags on his neck...he had several that were rubbing
his shirt collars and giving him a fit...and I just tied string on them to cut off
the circulation...and they just turned dark and dropped off in a few days. We've
never had a problem with any of it.
My sister called a couple of months ago and she was getting a wart or mole on the
end of her nose :-) now you talk about funny...and she's in a position to be in
the lime light all the time...she was hysterical. But I told her about the castor
oil....and in no time hers was gone...just days.

If this doesn't work for you...we can try a homemade drawing salve later. But I
think I'd try the castor oil first.
You can buy a drawing salve over the counter at most pharmacies...and it's called's wonderful...has Calendula and other herbs, etc in it. It will draw
out a painful splinter overnight...just dab it on and cover with bandaid..and in
the morning, the splinter is in the bandaid. :-) It costs about $6 I think, for a
little round orange tin of the waxy stuff.
Also, If you get those painful busted thumbs in winter..or even a insect bite that
is driving you just dab that on the split or bite..and in the morning
the pain is totally gone...if it's an insect's gone also...if it's a
busted thumb...the pain is gone and the place will heal within 24 hours...just
close up. You have to cover this drawing salve with a bandaid also.
But you can make a fantastic homemade drawing salve that works just as good. Take
a little piece of bacon fat...dip it in a little bit of turpentine...and wrap it
around a splinter or whatever...and in the morning...the splinter is in the bacon
fat. :-) yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Meat tenderizer is another good drawing agent...but I don't know if it would work
for your problem. It isn't quite as potent as the others. But if you get a bee or
wasp sting...or a spider bite...just sprinkle some meat tenderizer in a paper towel that you have just run HOT water over...wring out the paper towel...quickly sprinkle meat tenderizer on the towel...and place it over the sting. It
will take down a swelled bee or wasp sting in less than 2 minutes. And take the
pain away instantly.

Just stick with the castor oil...and don't waver to other things. Also add lots
more green foods to your diet...if you have a juicer...juice carrots, spinach and
then whatever else you want to put in...but they're both good for the skin...cucumber is is asparagus. You don't have to use complicated
juices..the basics will work wonders for what ails you. But the green foods are
loaded with silica and that is so good for the skin, hair and nails.
Also add some potassium...but do it with foods...I wouldn't touch a potassium supplement with a 10 foot pole...but adding potassium with foods is perfectly safe.
You can do that by adding orange juice, grape juice, V-8 or you can make your own
juices, too. Boil potatoes and drink the broth...then eat the potato :-)
I don't know if it's true...but I just read recently that moles and warts are a
sign of low potassium...and I'm thinking that could be true...I've been meaning
to research that. But my husband gets so many moles on his back...and they come
and go and I've often wondered why. But he's a big outdoors man...and he's a very
hard worker, who rarely ever stops...and he can work up a sweat working outside
in the winter. So I started adding more potassium juices, etc and I can almost
'play' with his moles on his back with juices :-)they come and go so fast.
I love to experiment. :-)

Hope the castor oil works for you...give it a couple of weeks...and keep me posted.


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