Re: Kathryn101 and everyone else - how can I heal this pink skin?
Hi 75778...I don't have time to go back and read those links....but I do remember
you. You were trying to remove flat moles or warts and got pink spots, right?
I told you what "I" had done..& you ended up with pink spots. But so did "I"..but
the pink spots faded away. I just went to the mirror to look...I didn't even
know if the places were coming back...they're not...there is no sign of any pinkness
where I removed my spots.
I think I told you before I wouldn't use the Bag Balm. Have you looked on your little can to read the ingredients? Here's what's in Bag Balm...
8-hyroxyquinoline sulfate:
8-hyroxyquinoline sulfate is a metal chelating agent extracted from coal tar and has been used in a wide variety of products, from “Bag Balm” for cows, to cosmetics and drugs for its ability to inhibit the growth or microbes.'s extracted from coal what 'is' coal tar...
Coal Tar:
According to the International Agency For Research on Cancer...preparations that
include more than 5% of crude coal tar are Group 1 Carcinogen.
The National
Psoriasis Foundation claims Coal Tar is a valuable, safe, and inexpensive treatment for people with psoriasis.
(and it adds...)
Also used in roofing applications.
See also Creosote,
preservatives , Tar. :-/
Now I don't know about YOU 75778...but I'm not putting that on MY face or even my
big toe!
Sometimes, we have to look past the end of our nose and see what's out there.
To me that's like sitting down to a table and someone having a bowl of arsenic
on the table...and they say...too much of it isn't good for you...but a teeny bit
won't hurt. "I DON'T THINK SO!!!" Not in MY body...!!!
I read labels on EVERYTHING! I count squares in the tissue paper at the grocery.
I count the sheets in the rolls of paper towels. And on foods and ingredients...
if I can't pronounce it...I don't use it.
Where IS this pink spot that is putting your life on hold? I don't mean to sound rude...
but I really wonder...where is this spot? I had to go look to even tell you if mine
was coming back. And mine WAS on my face.
A good Aloe Vera...should make it fade away. Even the plant, if you have one...just
break off a little piece...get some gel on your finger...and dab it on several times
a day. Or dab on castor oil several times a day. They are both extremely healing.
And either one should make the pink spot fade away. Now it may take some time...
My granny used to say, "A watch pot never boils." If you could get busy with something else..and try to forget about your pink spot...I really think one day'll just notice that it's gone.
I hope I haven't seemed rude...but I'm a little on edge this week. Every time we
turn on the evening news...this horrible thing in Virginia Tech is on...and I feel
a little impatient, I guess, when hundreds of lives have been destroyed forever..they'll never be the same (family and friends of the deceased) and you're
worrying about a pink spot.
So I hope I haven't made you mad...I really don't mean to. And I really hope you
will try one of the above and your pink spot will go away. I hope and pray. kathryn