Hey Popaul I've read many of your posts and your blog "My Challenge". You seem like your well informed about healing. Are the coffee enemas hard on your kidneys?Previous to the coffee enemas I have completed 4 successful liver flushes. However I'm kind of terrified to do another b/c i really rexperienced old symptoms pretty severly but I have to say my eyes got about two shades lighter, spider veins and broken blood vessels shrank, able to take deeper breaths, shoulder area and waist line seemed to deflate-amazing stuff I know somethings changing. Also have done some colon cleansing. While I've been doing the coffee enemas I have just been eating my usual raw diet. I would someday like to do a juice fast. Although, I really subscribe to eating for your metabolic type and know I am a protein type. Following this has allowed me to make huge strides in my health. I seem to also thrive off of healthy raw fats. Just doing the veg fast for the liver cleanse makes me feel out of sorts b/c so carb based. I believe I still lack the enzymes to digest cooked food thats why raw seems to work. If its cold out I might gently warm some of my food. I always eat everthing room temp otherwise. Thanks for all the useful info you've posted. You are helping many.