I've done a coffee enema nearly every day for 1 1/2 years (with coffee from sawilsons.com). I think it's a wonderful thing, and it's my favorite time of the day. I do the whole 20 min. lying on my left side, and I've taken up making 100% beeswax candles to burn while I'm doing it (http://www.brookforestcandles.com). Since going through thyroid cancer I've learned Reiki and Quantum Touch, and I use that time to run God's healing energy. It's such a restful and peaceful way to start the day. I always have 1 or more good poops on my own before the enema - and I'm always amazed at what comes out after the enema. Tomatoes, lettuce, sesame seeds, etc. that I'd eaten the day before, and would still be in my colon even after all of those poops without the enema. Let me know how it goes.