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Any guidance or thoughts please
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Any guidance or thoughts please

(If your pressed for time please jump to second paragraph-thanks)

I have been viewing posts on curezone for months now and have extracted some really wonderful info. This is actually my first post. While all this info is such a blessing, being a self researcher like many of you can relate can at points be really overwhelming. I am 27 yrs old and not well for the past 11 years (chronically ill w/ all kinds of things) but when it comes to doctors actually diagnosing me they have been only able to offer up ambigious labels (chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia, ibs....) and very few constructive ideas as to how to work w/ these labels. I have also been informed by a supposed reputable iridologist that I had one of the worst cases of toxicity that he has ever seen ( he's seen 1000s of people) he labeled this toxicity as what appeared to be cancer of the brain and right breast. My own feelings are that I wouldn't be suprised if I did have some kind of cancer or severe toxicity since my memory has been extremely poor since childhood, severe mood swings, many of my teeth rotted out, grey in appearence, couldn't hold any food in for certain periods, hair falling out, not enough energy to work a regular job....So in the last couple of years I have switched to an all raw diet (including eggs, clean sources of fish, raw dairy) & my health has improved dramatically. However I don't know who to turn to for the occasional guidance when I'm going through difficult detox phase. Unless I got my arm chopped off I can't find many reasons to go the allopathic route. As far as the natural route it is very hard to find someone who hasn't only learned info that was passed on but also has experienced various health challenges that have allowed to digest the info at a completely different level. Sorry for the extremely long intro.
Let me get to my main questions at this point in time.

I have been doing coffee enemas for the last 4 days straight and I seem to feel better than ever. My eyes have a glow to them my skin is for once completely clear and my energy lvel improved. However i've read conflicting info about coffee enemas-some say (or said) such as Dr. gerson, Dr. Gonzalez that the enemas are safe for daily usage and they use them regularly themselves and then other random sources say depletes minerals,could be hard on adrenals...... I'm just hoping I'm not doing to much. I thought I would do 1 not so strong enema for two weeks straight to see if this could help my body make some strides (I am drinking fresh veg juice and taking mineral sup) The only thing I notice is that I am dreaming and sleeping very heavy at night (sleeping 11-12 hours) which reminds me of how I used to sleep when I had kidney troubles. Although I thought mabye my body is just going through another unique process that might require me to sleep this way for a week. Hopefully one of you out there can in some way relate to my story or share any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks for your time and god bless.


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