I read in one of your messages that you are on iodine. I am too and I know this question doesn't belong here, but I never see you post over in the Iodine forum (I don't either) so anyways I was wondering if you have experienced Depression since you started iodine? Your history sounds so similar to mine with taking the antidepressants for years. I am fighting Depression and doing all the protocols with salt water and vit. C. I was just wondering if you had exerienced anything similar. I'm trying to keep the faith, but I need to know that this will get better with time. My daughter wants me to go back on the meds for my deprssion but I'm not ready to give up yet. Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated. I haven't posted this to the Iodine forum because they intimidate me a little. Just don't feel like I can take any knocks to my already fragile ego right now.