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Re: Commanded to Love God?
krupaclassy Views: 2,691
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Re: Commanded to Love God?

God has said a lot of things to us in the course through the biblical authors over a 16-1700 year time period. We have been called, yes, but as always, we have the choice to say "yes" or "no". the choice has always been "my way" or "Your Way".

Without any options, the orders were given, along with what would at (even in this time in history) an awesome promotion in Genesis 1:26-30. The option was given in ch. 2:17, death! What most readers of the bible readers see is My Way or the Highway, and this is God's perogative, as it is His to give. No-one should be able to say to you, make your last will and testament out to me, or else! We as humans (criminals, as the legal community labels them) do this to each other all the time.

God has and always will have much more on the "My Way" than the my own way side of the equation. In Exodus 19:3-6 much more of an invitation, this time to a whole nation, vs.6, a Kingdom of Priests, and a Holy nation, the choice was their's to make then (as it is our's to make today), they decided to run and follow a man's rule and voice (it has from that time forward been referred to as the Law of Moses- why not God's Law?). God further invited them to follow His Way, in Ex. 23:20-33 (which is hardly ever preached upon) with all the benefits layed out for them. This was a people that had an identity as children of promise, yet when promised with any condition at all, they reverted back to humans, not staying as the children of promise.

I find myself in this same trap more times than not. Jesus keeps updating our situation, and I take it as a further delay and a "teasing by and omipident being. In my being I want the promise, but conditions get my humaness side to rebel (and I call myself a minister?) and I fall furter from God and the promises of Jesus. MY CHOICE! But with this choice comes consequences, last night my choice was to let Jesus lead this (my?) dance and low and behold, hope and joy in the morning! Again, MY CHOICE! Hope or dispair, future or present mixed with the past, light or darkness-------MY CHOICE!

We as humans make others follow our way or the highway all the time, at work, in politics, and in our family situations. Love me or else is what we say, without telling them (for the most part) about any promotion promise. God does (present tense). Jesus does (present tense). Most have never been preached this verse either, John 14:12, look it up, the promise is there for the condition being met, what would a world look like if humans would hold to promise insead of just an "or else" mentality.

Yor parents want you to love them for all the things they did for you, even when you were not able to even speak or walk, We want the same from our children, even when they have nothing else to give us back of note, and we want the same from subordinates at work and friends in the real world, why should God not want the same as we expect from others?

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