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Re: Four years of taking Lugol's drops /Low Loading Test!
unyquity Views: 6,096
Published: 18 y
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Re: Four years of taking Lugol's drops /Low Loading Test!

What you say doesn't indicate whether the person took 3-4000 mg of Vitamin C daily...since that amount is considered to be a lot to the 'common variety' healthy persons, it's possible enough wasn't taken for proper absorbtion. (?) What do we know there?

Also, Iodoral is made from Lugol's. I've seen the Iodoral 'recipe' and there's absolutely nothing in it that would help absorbtion...nothing. The only thing Iodoral helps, is padding the pocket of those that created/trademarked it.

You say: >>>She appears to be like some others who cannot get an adequate loading test number on Lugol's<<<

I say: HUH? WHAT?? Where did you find valid research that indicates the human body absorbs Iodoral better than Lugol's (which is THE only iodine/iodide IN Iodoral)???
This is serious. If Iodoral does absorb better, then we ALL need to know!! If Iodoral does NOT absorb better, then one should STOP spreading disinformation that causes others to be mislead AND spend unnecessary money.

>>She seems to have absorbed much of the Iodoral given to her in the loading test where you take 50 mg at the beginning of the test and then check how much is excreted over a 24 hour period. So, I think we can rule out a lack of absorption of Iodoral.<<

I think, we can't rule out ANYTHING on the basis of one lab test.

It's always a shame to see people falling prey to "hype" rather than the truth :( Especially when just a LITTLE bit of research on their own would have revealed the truth.

The decision to switch to Iodoral has been made based on ONE lab test??? It's always a mistake to 'switch drugs' based on the results of one lab test. The deaths of over 100,000 people yearly are the results of medical error (that doesn't even scratch the surface when considering the amount of people that were "affected" by medical error). A very high percentage of error in labwork is something we can depend upon. To make a decision based on the results of ONE lab test is really not-so-smart.

I mean no disrespect at all here...but I do think it's important to state the truth amidst all these "assumptions". One could easily take ANY product for years and have one test show "low"; I've seen/heard of hundreds of examples of that kind of thing over the years (and that doesn't even count the things that are even LESS precise, like hair/fingernail analysis, etc.) I really am interested in learning why this person's one test showed low...but there's a HUGE variety of factors that could influence the test, and without knowing those, there's no way to come to any logical conclusion at all.




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