Re: Four years of taking Lugol's drops /Low Loading Test!
I agree, though I have other questions...
1. Was a loading test done before starting
Lugol's and what was the result?
I believe a before and after would show a clearer picture...
2. Did she possibly have some condition that could have caused poor iodine\iodide body recognition and or assimilation?
3. The post states that "others" had low readings on the
Lugol's and switched to iodoral, yet there are no loading test results one way or the other posted that would indicate a switch was in order. Why?
4. How do we know whether or not it takes certain cases longer to recognize and then utilize the iodine\iodide in any form? If this is true AND six months of iodoral use brings the loading test up, how do we know that
Lugol's would not have done the same thing?
I could probably think of a few more questions, however if citingsources can answer these, along WITH some sort of documentation, we could go from there. Iodoral is supposedly nothing more than Lugol's in tablet form; the addition of binders and such. I would find it hard to believe that the tablet would work better than the liquid.