"The most notorius are fibrocystic breast disease or uterine abnormalities. The most common tumor found in women is a caffeine toxicity-iodine deficiency syndrome. When women are Iodine deficient they crave chocolate, the repository of more caffeine than coffee. The caffeine addiction is a near perfect insurance for the tumors mentioned above."
My boyfriend cannot figure out why I do not crave chocolate or coffee. I'm the only female (I'm 28)on my mother's side; this includes my sister who had a golf ball size cyst removed from her breast at 17) that has yet to develop fibroid cysts in my breasts or ovaries. I think this is due to eating a high seafood diet (I didn't add kelp to my daily diet until I found out about curezone). Hopefully, the addition of kelp and other superfoods will keep me cyst free.
Great post. I printed it out. I need to do some research Boran and Silicon.