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Re: Oil Pulling causing me Diarrea !!
melvel Views: 22,378
Published: 18 y
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Re: Oil Pulling causing me Diarrea !!


I would say that the runs would be caused either by your body detoxing, which is good, or the oil you are using. You could try a different oil, maybe sesame. I use sesame and coconut and never had the runs. Well, not that was caused by the OPing anyway. I would start with once a day and then go up from there gradually so your body can get used to the detox without causing you to explode.

About the is very possible that the OPing brought out another outbreak. This would also be part of the detox. Just like you get a rash, sneezing, coughing or any other reaction. Your body is getting stronger and trying to fight the herpes and the herpes are fighting back so you get an outbreak. Just like die-off I guess. Always gets worse before it gets better. Coconut oil is fantastic for herpes. It is antibacterial and antifungal so it will fight them. I would suggest using the coconut oil for cooking and even taking some during the day...maybe 1/2 tsp a day till you can work your way, slowly, up to 3 tbsp. This should help your herpes outbreaks immensely. My husband suffers from cold sores...which is herpes simplex 1. He has broken out every couple of months with sores all the years that I have known him. Some years more then others. When I started cooking with coconut oil he didn't get a sore for about 7 was from April to October. In October I had ankle surgery and couldn't walk for 6 weeks. He was doing the cooking and started using olive oil to cook his food again, or whatever was handy but not the coconut oil. After about 3 weeks of eating his food cooked with other oils he had a nasty outbreak. I tried to tell him that it was from changing the oils but he thinks I'm crazy. I know thats what it was. I think the coconut oil will help you all a lot. I hope this helps.



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