The surgical approach has certainly been the main way of dealing with cavitations up to this point.
"ElliotK" in a post dated 7.06.05 describes well the route taken by most with cavitations and some of the new, more promising approaches being used:
"...Go get a cavitat done...Now what do you do? Rush out and have tons of surgery, rip out all your teeth and then wear false teeth? That's what Bob Jones & Susan Stockton have done. Dr. Glaros in TX reversed some grade 3 lesions with nattokinase. Dr. Rau in Switz. uses an INDIBA local hyperthermia unit from Spain. Other possible ways are hyperbaric Oxy, ozone and stem cell injections. Please post any ideas from your research, otherwise it's surgery and false teeth! Just like your grandparents! Thanks Elliot K"
Concerning clay I am simply saying that I am experiencing considerable relief by placing clay on my jaw healing? No. My only point is that we're beginning to see that there are other options out there...non-surgical options.