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Dr Christopher's formula
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Dr Christopher's formula

What you say is REALLY INTERESTING! Maybe you can answer my questions. I use this Dr Christopher formula. It was recommended to me by my colonics lady. I have been using it for a year and I am beginning to doubt whether I will ever have normal BMS on it. But that is not the fault of the product. I have ok peristaltic movements. (The last time I had colonics which was some time ago I was told my peristaltic movements were fine). BMS are slim and on the loose side, food is poorly digested but worst of all I do not go enough, bloat wind etc. I drink masses of warm water, eat veg and meat. Conversely, I seem to digest meat well - it's everything else that's the problem. Am very food sensitive, infact I am now beginning to react to apples and ACV!

You are right - I have had periods of good BMs and when I do the symptoms GO. It's as if I am not food sensitive any more and the aches go too. The weird thing is the "good" periods are when I am away from home. Then I might drink alcohol (not much) eat little veg and don't drink nearly so much water etc etc

I am very underweight and know at this moment in time I could not just eat fruit. The Sugar content alone would finish me off but again, you are right - I put on weight recently when not eating nearly as much as I do now but was doing better BMS.
In my case I suspect parasites are STILL a problem. As I can't think what else is?

I have just done a herbal Liver detox - no improvement. (Too sensitive to do a flush)


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