Hi andmor - I have had facial tics all my life from being a kid in junior school and it's only recently(I'm now in my 50's) that I've suspected tourettes as I seem to have some of the other symptoms - I have always made "noises" with my throat and sometimes have compulsions to do things like closing my eyes when driving - it's never been dangerous because I seem to know what to get away with but the compulsion is there ans this is recent - what I wanted to ask was whether you are aware if tourettes can have any psychological effetcs - what I mean is I have had a good education but my confidence and self esteem have always been low. Can this happen with Tourettes organically in other words not because I am conscious of my tics etc but because tourettes gives us some kind of inbred neurosis. All my life my teachers have been saying that I never seem to work to my full potential and this is so frustrating because no matter how hard I work at things success always seems to elude me - another thing I am really bad at maths (okay with money) but my idea of maths is no where - I'm starting to blame T on this cos I rationalise that most of my friends in school who were good at maths have done really well in their lives.
Sorry for griping on!! Any comments would be appreciated.