Re: Facial tics
Dear Rem,
It is not so important to find out whether these "habits" have medical label for them or not. If they, do, the medical approach won't treat what causes them. Having acid reflux and allergies at that age shows that he has been having major digestive problems already. At that age, he can already do liver flushes at 1/2 dosage of everything (see THe Amazing Liver Cleanse). Dietary changes according to his body type, having the main meal at lunch time, going to be early (kids that age need about 10 hours of sleep), avoiding junk food and fast foods, sugar (except xylitol, stevia, mannose) soft drinks (see THe Key to Health and Rejuvenation, for more details on these and other causal facors)is all needed to restore normal healthy fucntions in the stomach, liver, and intestines. \
These "habits" occur when there is a weekness in a corresponding part of the body. If there is stoamch problem, he may develop a tik beside his mouth, or use the upper lip muscles to make a sound. If the colon is involved, the lower lip may be affected by this. The eye muscles beccome involved when the liver and kidneys require more or less constant little energy bursts. It is important that you don't discourage him to do what he is doing, for this can affect his body even more, and cause him to develop a self-confidence problem later in life. When the causes are gone, the effects will disappear naturally.