I have an 11 yr old son who so far has acid reflux, allergies to pollen and dog/cat dander and other food allergies. I have been doing the natural diet method with a boost of raw honey.
My question is on his facial tics. Last year he had a tic where he kinda squinted. No vision problem just a bad habit he got into. This year it is a lip sound. He is constantly picking up these "habits" as he calls them and he admits that he doesn't even realize he is doing them and sometimes will deny that he does do them when they first start new.
I haven't mentioned it to his doc for Tirets runs in his father's family and I don't want him to get a quick digagnosis done. Anyway I can find out if it is Tirets without the medical doc or school finding out? Can I help him control it through environment, diet, etc?