Magnesium, L-Carnitine, Niacin, Kelp, Caprylic Acid
Staph thrives in a low Magnesium medium. That's you. All these harsh cleanses are stripping out vital minerals which are so hard to replace. Kelp will help to restore these lost microminerals, and apples of course contain Magnesium. Another factor might be a Candida overgrowth. CANDIDA STEALS AND BINDS MAGNESIUM! Take Caprylic Acid to whack back systemic "gut" Candida levels. Put a glass of water by your bedside and spit in it upon awakening and before swallowing. If it is cloudy or stringy, you have systemic Candida.
Try some fermented cabbage for lactobacillus. Granny made kraut by chopping up cabbage and throwing it in a crock with a wooden lid and keeping it cold in the cellar. When it bubbles and stinks it's ready. Lactobacillus will edge out Candida from docking sites on gut tissue cells.
As a vegan, you must take the "meat" amino acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, to have proper liver and heart function. This can be obtained from a non-meat source. Use the Nicotinamide form of Niacin to open up and clean capillaries and drive in nutrients. Stop all the harsh cleanses, says I. Keep up your Magnesium levels and let us know how this protocol works. Of course use a carbon filter for your water at minimum, and consider boiling your water from whatever source for 30 minutes until your immune system is regularized. God bless!