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Silver Dosage for Staph infection -- any recommendations?
healthnovice Views: 12,682
Published: 19 y

Silver Dosage for Staph infection -- any recommendations?

Hello all,
I have a very pernicious Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) infection on my face. It is about the size of a quarter. I have been trying many therapies to get rid of it: essential oils, herbs, acupuncture, kidney and Liver Cleanses ( Dr. Schulze ), Liver Flushes (Dr. Clark), energy balancings, even Antibiotics (Bactrim) for five weeks. Nothing, and no combination of therapies, has been able to eradicate this infection.
I live a very healthy life as a teetotaling vegetarian, and exercising is practically a religion for me. I like to juice, eat right, etc.
I did some research recently into silver products because I read on this site that it was effective against MRSA (the woman with the infection on her leg).
I found a company called WaterOz that sells a silver supplement with a concentration of 100 ppm. I liked this product better than other silver products because the silver particles are reduced to the size of an angstrom (one hundred millionth of a cm). I have heard and read that particle size is critically important when taking mineral supplements. The water and minerals used by this company are guaranteed to be the purest possible. So, I bought a pint.
Here's where I am now: For eight days, I have been taking 1 teaspoon of silver 3 times per day as well as applying 1 or 2 drops directly on the infection 3 times per day. I am noticing marginal -- if any -- results.
Can anyone suggest a safe and effective protocol that I might follow for getting rid of this infection once and for all? I do believe that Silver might mean the difference for me, and succeed where everything else has failed, but perhaps I just don't know how much/how often I can take it. Can I take A LOT more than I am now taking, for example? Can I perhaps make a dressing with silver on a cotton ball or underneath a band-aid and just wear it around -- can I KEEP the silver constantly on the infection until it goes away? Should I maybe only do this for a certain period every day, like a couple of hours, or ten minutes, or overnight while I sleep?
I will be indebted to everyone who can offer some suggestions.
Thank you so very much!!
Best wishes,


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