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Re: Silver Dosage for Staph infection -- any recommendations?
freelastchance Views: 12,165
Published: 19 y
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Re: Silver Dosage for Staph infection -- any recommendations?

Hey Erik!

Well, I'll give it my best shot here. :) WaterOz is pretty good, I've used it, but it can get dang expensive! I make my own using 3 9 volt batteries, and it's really good stuff. About 20-40 ppm I believe. At any rate, you will need to use a lot more! Apply it constantly if you can, and take it more often. A teaspoon to a tablespoon is fine, but you can drink it like water if you are desperate, and can make it fast enough. (It's not dangerous in these ppm, though it could potentially be if it were MUCH larger particle size.)

So, apply it LIBERALLY, swab it, keep it under the bandaid, whatever you can do, and it should go away pretty quick. If it doesn't help, you definitely need to make your own CS. If you want to make it inexpensively, I got a free report from and learned how to make it easily.

I hope this helps!


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