I had one on my thigh a few years ago, ended up as a huge hole a couple of cm's wide and deep (eeuw) but thanks to Colloidal Silver all i have now is a flat scar. I stupidly went to a doctor and THREE penicillin injections couldn't kill the infection. I know so many people who have had them and heard again of someone who gets them recurrently. I didn't know what it was and neither did the doctor (i bunked on the hospital stay and therefore any tests and went home and drank litres of CS/bathed the wound) My friend told me the other week that her boyfriend keeps getting these Golden Staphilococcus (spelling?) infections and she described his and i mine and we came to the conclusion it was the one and same. So perhaps it is
I live in Australia and Golden Staph is in hospitals here and it's known. Nothing being done of course. I wonder if it does spread from person to person, as my sister had them also.