There is something going around that looks like a boil or a spider bite. It is not either. It's a sore that starts out sometimes as a hard knot under the skin then comes to a head like a boil. It will re-occure repeatedly, I have several scars under my armpits from this. I know alot of people that have no contact what so ever now that have this some under the arms others on the inner theighs of the legs. I saw two small children tonight that have these sores on the bottom of their legs near the ankles and on the buttocks. So to say it is located in one area of the body is not accurate, it is everywhere. So many people have this and it is highly contagious, it will spread. I work with two women that have had something similar. one has had 8 surgeries on her inner theigh, the other had this on her stomach and now near her breast and regualar
Antibiotics are not working. The doctors even placed a pic line in the one for several weeks while she was on the
Antibiotics , nothing is working. I drink
Colloidal Silver and make a strong batch for topical use, I no longer have any symptoms of this. DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW OF THIS OUTBREAK? IS IT MRSA? WHERE IS IT COMING FROM? I have my ideas? I think it must be something in the air for so many to be getting this. My son is an ER tech in a local hospital and it is epidemic and no one is talking about this or how to contain it.
Peace and good health to all.
AZ Girl