Re: Curing acne with juice fasting? Any recommendations?? r/o
I did heavy duty industrial colon cleansing for four years, finally attaining my goal turning 50 with a clean pink colon! Fasting (including very long fasts, both the
Master-Cleanse and fresh juices) and professional
colonics were my mainstays.
However, NOTHING cleared up my problematic complexion ("adult acne" and "rosacea") until I flushed my liver clean!!! It took about 5-6 flushes at 2 week intervals before I passed 30-40 beautiful jade green stones the size of small prunes (!), but since that flush I have NEVER had another problem with my skin! People comment all the time on what lovely skin I have! This is a true miracle in my life.
I encourage you to visit the excellent and very supportive
Liver Flush Forum here at curezone. Read up on all the protocol, ask your questions then flush away! A great place to start ANY cleansing program, of course, is with a
parasite cleanup if you haven't done one in recent memory. No sense flushing a liver with live parasites! You could of course do a little juice flush (say, 3-5 days of fresh juices after eating fruits and veggies for 3-5 days prior, TAPERING off and stopping coffee over that time if you drink it)... then break your fast for a week or so on a very clean diet and flush away! You need to wait two weeks or so between liver flushes, but be patient and continue to flush until you pass that trash! Again, the forum has all the info.
I am living proof it CAN be done -- I had all but lost hope of regaining my lovely complexion, but it has been about two years and I cannot believe how wonderful my skin is.
I do a couple flushes as maintenance every year, and constantly work to keep my colon clean.
Best to you,