DMAE is the fish oil derived antioxidant that is a specific for the dangerous oxidized pigments known as Liver Spots. Did using Silver Colloid enhance this oxidative damage causing Liver Spots? See my posting on oxidation. TrapperKCMO says Silver Colloid blocks Glutathione, a master antioxidant, so load up on Glutathione before any NEEDED Silver Colloid use and do not combine with any protein bases. I would not use compounds or mixed Silver Colloid preparations, and TrapperKCMO's use of H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and Silver Colloid seems a clever work-around. DMAE is the only thing that will remove these oxidized pigments and may be applied topically. Consider using's blood and lymph cleaners to kill pathogens and parasites and avoid Silver Colloid use except with intestinal distress as after Antibiotic use induced Candidiasis, or topical application in non-mixed use.