Possible cure and prevention of Argyria
A Possible Cure for Argyria
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Is it possible that restoring healthful levels of vitamin E and selenium along with the ingestion of ample water might bring about a gradual reversal of argyria in at least some cases? I decided to discuss my idea with a nutritional specialist, Hans Gr uenn, MD. After talking at length about the EPA studies and the properties of vitamin E and selenium, Dr. Gruenn concluded, "It is a worthy hypothesis that should be tried." Dr. Gruenn gave the following recommendations:
200mcg of selenium per day is a safe supplement to take on an ongoing basis.
He also advises a high-quality,* mixed vitamin E, at 1000 IU per day for people over 50 years of age who may be at risk of stroke, and 2,000 IU per day for people under 50 who are not at risk of stroke. I told Dr. Gruenn that I was taking 4,000 IU a day. He replied that this was still safe for a strong healthy person. The danger of high doses of vitamin E is that it thins the blood. This could be dangerous in many situations where bleeding is hard to stop.
Personally, I would also drink lots of water, simply because that's how the body clears out debris. No one knows if this therapy will prove efficacious, or if it does in how many cases. If my liver spots are any kind of indicator, some lightening of t he skin ought to be visible within six weeks if this therapy really is working. Three to six months should be a sufficient amount of time to completely eliminate argyria provided that no additional silver is being ingested. (Since my conversation with Dr. Gruenn, I've had some additional ideas for getting the most out of this nutritional therapy for argyria.)
2 tsp. of MSM per day. Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to pull it from the body. More information on silver and sulfur can be found on page 74.
4,000 mg. of vitamin C per day.
1 tablet a day of a good quality multiple mineral since this therapy may deplete needed minerals from the body.
* Most vitamin E supplements are of poor quality and some even contain rancid oils that will be an additional burden rather than an aid to the body. Dr. Gruenn recommends a vitamin E that has a mix of d-alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocopheryls.