Thank you Detour. I was hoping to hear from you. The Big Island is my favorite island. Been there several times for sporting events.
I have been going light on the drinks this time so I will up the drinks. And the cayenne.
As for eliminations, maybe 1 tops, but more so every other day. There is just nothing left. And I am using a little Bentonite the last few days.
Although I do Vita-mix my lemons (how I learned from a friend in Wisconsin) so I am getting some bulk/fiber from the lemons, (and limes). I was enjoying the "digestion" discussion between Pepe and yourself.
Picking up a bit now.
I'll hang in for another day and see what tomorrow brings. Oh yes, STRESS, I am under more stress this time and it is making the cleanse more challenging. I have not hit the zone yet as I had in the past. (but I haven't done this in about 8 mos so I am out of practice too). Thank you very much.