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Re: HELP!!! soution for temper tantrums- 15 MONTH OLD JUST STARTED ACTING UP.
newmother Views: 5,441
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Re: HELP!!! soution for temper tantrums- 15 MONTH OLD JUST STARTED ACTING UP.

\Thank you for your advice. We do allow Jacob to have a lot of freedom. He has free reign all over the house because we have baby proofed every room and he can play and explore his environment. I do agree that children need to be able to explore, but without getting hurt. He is a really sweet boy and he does obey and bring me things when I ask him and he is actually very good natured. I just get concerend about the computer issue because I do feel that he needs to have some bounderies and I don't want him to get into the habit of wanting to climb on the computer all the time when I am trying to work. I am home with him but I do work on line a little and I also go to school part time on line. So I spent at least 2 or 3 hours at the most on the computer. If he needs me for anything I take a break and I have nursed him on many occasions while I am at the computer. Some people do tell me that I should just let him play on the computer desk and he will get bored with it and stop. We do co- sleep with him because we are firm believers of the attatchment parenting methods and we found that the cry out method actually made him more cligy. We also felt that the cry yourself to sleep method was a form of neglect and we liked to be close to our little guy. I guess we are a snuggly family. To some it seems strange to ha21ve your baby in bed but to us it felt natural. It seemed strange to have him in another room and in fact it went agaisnt our grain.

He is very indepedent but loves to cuddle and hug and kiss. He is going through a transition right now that is for sure. Another reason I don't want him climbing on the computer is because I do have to get work done. This allows me to stay home with him the first place. We feel that me working at home for a few hours a day is much better than having him in a daycare for any amount of time. I don't make very much money at this time but its just enough to cover what we are short on the rent and pay for some extra groceries. We need the extra 500 per month. I do spend a lot of time with my son every day in addition to working on and off throughout the day. I read him stories every day we play, games, and he helps me clean the house sometimes. We go on walks and pet the kitty. He does get a lot of one on one attention with me so I don't really feel guilty about working a little at home. I am also thinking that he wants to play with the keyboard and pound on the keys because he sees me working and he wants to be like me. He likes to imitate what my husband and I do. He wipes up his messes because he has seen me wipe up after him. He brushes his hair because he has seen me brush his hair. Well do you think I should get him his own mini keyboard to play with? And if your letting your son play with yoru keyboard how do you get any work done? Does he get bored with it really fast so its no big deal? I want Jacob to have bounderies but I also don't want him to throw fits over dumb things. I have though that if I just kept persisting by not allowing him to climb on the computer desk or play with the keyboard that he will just give up and realisze that its not his territory to explore. I get soo much conflicting advice.

Thanks again



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