Re: Stool color question, anyone have insight, please respond
I have done one
Liver Flush last year and believe it or not, im about to do another one tonight. It certainly changed the colour of my stools to brown for a good couple months before i started eating junk again, though I never knew about the biliruben test then.
I can't really say the real cause of gilberts as I'm no expert. It would be reasonable to think it is triggered by poor diet but bear in mind not everyone suffers from gilberts who eats badly. I think its a predisposition, depending on your body type. However, if you are burdened by toxic exposure and/or virus or
parasites I'd bet money that this is a greater cause of gilberts, and even if its not, toxic metals like lead or mercury will greatly impair the body further making it difficult if not impossible for the body to heal itself 100%.
I had a hair mineral analysis done recently and a urine dmsa challenge test and both prove high levels of mercury. The challenge test also shows high levels of lead.
Im soon to embark on a long arduous oral chelation program using DMSA - andy Cutler protocol, so in about a years time I can update you on my results if you like.