Spoiled milk despite my CS
I heard that the pioneers used a silver dollar in the milk jug to keep it from spoiling. Those were the days before refridgerators... {Warning - milk isn't good for us, at least not the stuff in stores with anti-biotics, pesticide residues, and the problem we have digesting milk in general ; I do not defend my using it except I am poor and its cheap]
Back to the story:
So, I sprayed a few squirts of my Colloidal-Ionic Silver, made myself with the SOTA CSG5 unit, right into the milk jug in my fridge.
First try, it was allready "going", and no, it didn't stop the rotting.
Second try, it was a half-done jug, and no, it spoiled too, before the due date.
Third one, I sprayed it right away after I opened it, and ....checking ...checking now.... and YES, its still good, but its 5 days to its 'best before' date.
in other words, no conclusion. i am dissapointed there are not remarkable results. After all, this is modern CS, made with better transistors and purere wires than at any time in previous history! Smaller particles...I warmed the water first [in the oven, slowly]... I ran a "double water, twice the time" batch for all these tests.
Anybody try this?
Should it not work, to control bacteria?
Why did silver work for pioneers, and why is that mentioned in the CS literature sometimes then?
OR, is it just that it works in the human body, not directly on bacteria per se? I heard it blocks the transmission of bacterial/viral infections , so they cannot spread. If thats the main thing, then a milk test is not usefull...
Who wants to venture a guess about the spoiling milk, and is CS working?>