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Re: Spoiled milk despite my CS
intanet Views: 3,367
Published: 11 y
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Re: Spoiled milk despite my CS

OK, I just started the process on November 10th 2014 at 1am So, November 15, 2014 at 1am will be 5 days.

Here's what I did:

From the videos I saw up on Youtube just now, they used 1C milk to 1 Tablespoon Colloidal Silver so that was my ratio. The CS I used this time was made with the Silver Puppy, an AC generator that has a setting to automatically shut off before it gets agglomerated. Not sure on the PPM of the CS since I only have a TDS meter but that is not an accurate read on PPM I just learned.

I used Whole Milk but I did something different. Since I had this nagging question while watching these videos: "Is the reason that the milk with the CS didn't curdle for them after 5 days because it was diluted (with 1 Tablespoon of CS)?" The 1 tablespoon of CS added would dilute the milk roughly by 1/16th while the straight milk was not diluted. So, what I did with the straight milk was add 1 Tablespoon of Distilled water to make the test more even.


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