Amen to that. I don't think there's any desire to cure diseases. That's why they call it "disease management" or "disease control." heck with that...I don't want a disease merely contolled, I want it cured. You'd think that of the trillions of dollars spent on medicine that they'd come up with at least an occasional that too much to ask? I haven't heard of any yet though. Of course the reason there's been no cures is because medical Science takes a reductionist approach to curing disease. They insist disease springs up by accident -- that there is no cause. But disease almost always has a cause. Life is holistic...the parts don't make the whole, the whole makes the parts......and until Science starts ackowledging this and starts structuring their treatments from a holistic approach, nothing will be cured. It's a sad reality...those who want to cure themselves in this country need to put their health in their own hands, because nobody else seems to care enough to tell them the truth.