Re: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I think you may want to reconsider your own rationale and biases for how AND why you are want to accept any remedy, particulrly allopathic, as having more and better "official proof and sound information" behind it compared to homeopathic remedies. Do you suppose it's conceivable you are swayed by the long standing mammoth support system of positive press & "law" allopathy has at their disposal compared to homeopathy?
Unless you actually participate with the hands on conducting of a given study, the closest you can ever come to really knowing what/how/why the study found what it is subsequently alleged to have found is by reading the published results; paperwork. Suddenly I hear echoes of My Cousin Vinny; what, do you have magical paperwork that defies the laws of the medical system and can somehow manage to wade through all it's corruptions and come out untainted?
People in general seem to be study happy and in particular seem to be enamored with the notion of studies bearing the stamp of "peer-reviewed" approval, as though these constitute some rare breed of pure, inviolable group human endeavor. Would you actually feel better, and would you really perceive more of a proof factor to find out that Bugsy Siegel and his gang, Don Gotti and his gang, and Sam Giancona and his gang, collectively reviewed the study done by Al Capone - How To Make Money, and they all gave their seal of approval? You seem to dismiss the first reply you got - $$$, as though it is a simple, single-faceted influence. $$$ influences and corrupts the entire bloody world, from cradle to grave, from study to pill-hitting-the-market, and you're feeling short changed for lack of proof? Spend a little time investigating who, historically, really owns, operates and sets the agenda for any and all major universities. To stay closer on topic, consider researching a university generally accepted as possessing a medical pedigree; like the Univeristy of Chicago. Your average major college institution is a corporation, with a board of directors and stock holders just like any other business. Lobbyists looking for a favorable "study" of a new drug or procedure tend to be acting on behalf of medical/pharma corporations plugged into the same trough sponsored and regulated by the AMA/ADA. There are common bonds amongst all these players in high institution; it's called money. Money can make any study you want turn Vioxx into the cure for all, including world peace, and sing the national anthem in twelve languages on the side, all the while discovering and revealing "proof" (study backed, of course) that there are no effective herbal or homeopathic alternatives, so please everybody, do yourselves and ourselves a favor and stop looking for an alternative, non-drug remedy.