Re: Black Walnut + Iodine
What's awesome about it is that it's another source of food-based
Iodine to add to our
Iodine arsenal! V mentioned that the amount of
Iodine in seaweeds is negligible as compared to the concentrations in Lugol's.
Perhaps, as grz & Trap were alluding to in their posts, it's not always the amount of iodine we need to ingest (value-wise, for e.g., mcg. - mg.) but the balance of potashes, etc., that are present in food-based equivalents.
I agree wholeheartedly that we may all require greater iodine concentrations in our bodies, however, once that's achieved/balanced out, perhaps a food-based source would offer greater protection from possible overdoses.
Seaweeds contain not only iodine, but bromine as well in order to monitor correct ratios of iodine absorption. Kind of a stop gap measure to ensure BALANCING of halide intake!