Re: What happened to me???
hey, thanks for your reply.
Well, before that i hadnt had any die off because of parasite/bowel cleanse...I suppose too, that I just had eaten too much of antibacterial things the day before..
Btw my
Bowel Cleanse capsules contain ginger too.
Can you tell me what msm stands for?
I also take enzymes together with Magnesium+calcium but sometimes my stomach is unable to digest them so I see them again in the toilet. Weird.
As I realized that my Vit C tablets contained some sugar, I stopped taking them , now I'm waiting for some pure, sugar-free Vit C my friend promised to bring me next week.
Thanks for the tip tho, been planning to take lotsa Vit C.
By liver cleanse do you mean
Liver Flush or the
Liver Cleansing herbs?
I can't wait to get out enough parasites, and for my
kidney cleanse herbs to arrive (I live in Hungary and so far I found only one website that sells
Hulda Clark 's products - it's a bit limited here, and I also got a mail saying I have to wait 2 more weeks coz the company has run out of products atm..) to be able to start my first liver flush.