It's the 3rd week of my
parasite (+bowel) cleanse now (I'm suffering from candida,that's why I decided to go on the cleanses).
Early this morning I woke up feeling sick. Sick in the stomach ,you know, the feeling when you have eaten way too much...(but eating too much wasn't the case this time.)
I crawled out to the kitchen but I became even sicker, felt like fainting...
As I wasn't able to pour water in my cup, I asked my dad to do it, and i also had to sit down, I started to sweat like hell and i was really on the point of fainting and throwing up.
My dad gave me sth like Samarin(at that moment i didnt care if it contained
Sugar or not), my hands were trembling too, I crawled to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face etc then went to the toilet to ease myself...
After all I didnt faint or throw up and became better but after a while...
I remembered that I had had 3 tablespoons of coconut oil before going to bed because some of my candida symptomes had flared up(probably cos of some hidden sugar, but i had realized that in time)...when I went on thinking I realized I had had 3-4 cloves of garlic and some veggie juice with 2 lemons' juice as well during the day...
Could it be that all this was a major die-off, due to the garlic, coconut oil, lemons together with the
Bowel Cleanse herbs I had the day before??
I was really really scared....
Now curious of others' opinion,thanks!