Once again you speak out of ignorance. The initial estimates of Kelvin were around 20-400 Million years old. Still too old your you YECs. He also bases his assumptions based on Helmholtz assumption that the energy of the sun came from the contraction. As we now know, the sun's energy comes from nuclear process.
In fact Kelvin was so well respected that many of his supporters were trying to fudge the math on the newly discovered radioactivity Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity revealed the flaws in Kelvin's assumptions. It also allowed the dating of rocks directly. Even after this, many geologists were still trying to fudge the math to prove Kelvin correct. It was 4 years after his death that the tide of opinion started to shift, thanks in part to the work done by Holmes. Arthur Holmes was one of the first to use the discovery of radioactivity propose that Kelvin was off by an order of magnitude. His struggles are explored in the book the Dating Game by Cherry Lewis.
Kelvin was also not a creationist - YEC or any other kind