My name is Terry and I live in Michigan. I have well water and it was a good source until the past 2 years. My family and I are experiencing the same health problems. Our hair quality has decreased the past 2 years and the water just doesn't feel as refreshing as it once used to. My sister and I are reknowned for the thickness of our hair up until recently. We also got a new water filtration system in our house about 3 Years ago that uses Potassium Permangenate to purify the water. I beleive that these two things have a strong relationship for cause and effect. I have been looking into the John E. water energizing machine LWM Electron 4. Given the information they provide on their website, I beleive that it can potentially solve my problem and may even push me into not even having to use my original water purfication system. If you can, I would appreciate all the information that you can provide me with. Money is tight and I need to convince my family to buy this machine.