Still don't see any connection to this forum...
Yipes! All that was hard to read, and I am a fairly educated person myself. I am guessing some of it comes from the fact that you aren't a native english speaker perhaps, eh? Sounds like you are east indian in origin, considering your alma mater and the fact you are so familar with Ayurveda or Atharva Veda medicine. Most westerners aren't at all familar with it, from my observations. So using quotes from it's founders/experts don't really carry much weight, I find.
But even still, I just can't see any reason for you to post here with this. You are really talking about healing modalities, not evolution or creation. Sure, we all want to be healthier, but we aren't here to discuss health. We are here to discuss why or why not we think we evolved or were created. Urine therapy only addresses how to get healthy although it does have a historical component, just as most healing modalities do.
And this bit here: "Now, I've written a patent (Bacterial brain) where you teach bacteria how to think by supplying them with nano-particles as tools --- if that comes true, then the bacteria will do all our thinking for us, as robots [and the rest of that section]..." speaks to me of being some advertising. You have invented this product (although you aren't blantantly selling it), but that you keep bring it up causes me to think this is the reason for your posting here and probably a number of other forums that aren't related in order to get some air time and some possible bites on product marketing or some such.
I am guilty myself of going off topic with conspiricy theory stuff, but if you look at the history of the world as I do, then you would also see how we as humans came to be, had everything to do with those who are behind the current theories. So in that respect I don't feel too bad about discussing/debating that here. But I don't address Dr.
Hulda Clark 's healing modalities here, although her work has saved my life, I am quite sure. It has nothing to do with creation/evolution. Period.