Doctors can't find out whats wrong. Any advise?
Here is the short version:
Symptoms: indegestion,stomach pain and stomach swelling.Mainly after food.Acidic feeling all the time. Dark stools/stools daily only if prune juice. Had pain and hardened gallbladder. That has mainly gone away.
Doctors have:
gallbladder ultrasound- Found nothing.
Sometype of gallbladder test that showed 30% less active than normal.
Consulted a surgeon- advised I meet a gastro docotor.
Gastro- sent a camera down my throat and only found that the lower portion of my esophogus was being eaten away. Nothing about the swelling. Recommended pepcid ac.
What I have done: 1. 2
Liver Flushes which totaled 60 pea like stones.
2. 2nd week of humanworm treatment. No big difference. White substance in some stools. Worms?
Anyway, I still swell up like I'm pregnant and may do 1 more flush after humanworm. Any other advise before they just remove my gallbladder?
Thanks so much, great site.