Being right, is always justifiable.
It seems to me there are two basic paths. One seeks to find the right way and change. The other seeks to find a way to continue doing wrong without any adverse consequences. trapper
Ya know, many years ago I believed that people really had the ability to think, including myself.
I found out this wasn’t true.
You can find part of the answer by doing the free Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test online.
This can tell you if you can go your own way because you internalize and project from within.
Or, you are easily swayed by external influences, you have an unfixed or unformed perception of what you’re about.
I myself, started making greater headway after mistakenly making GS’s Rule of 97%.
Simply put, I no longer get to be 100% right, on anything.
I’ve also been forced to make my own terminology of division of literals and cognitives along with societal burden, race burden, overhead etc.
The reason for this is how the mind does mental shorthand.
Did you know that beliefs are the minds way of reducing data?
The vagus nerve plays a part in this.
After accumulating a certain amount of data, the mind forms a belief.
Rather than thinking about the belief (the mind truly is lazy) when it comes up, a knee jerk reaction occurs.
The person usually attacks the other person as to how stupid they are or some such.
Completely oblivious that it is they who are refusing to think.
Typically, usually both are coming from “beliefs”. With neither needing to think because the mind has made them feel comfortable in their belief.
They just have different “beliefs”.
If you believe people, for the most part, truly think, please explain why the vast majority of people on these boards came here because they’re sick?
I’m here because I want to know what to do to prevent getting sick.
But that’s not true, I want to know how to be super healthy.
Of having so much overhead that I simply cannot get sick, much less have “pains” of old age.
So I’ve had to come up with a completely different way of viewing health.
The idea of two “basic” paths is the quaint “belief” of right or wrong.
The majority of people do NOT think, do not understand their own motivation for the things they do.
Oh yes, they think, but rarely about their “beliefs” or their motivation.
Sorry, but people are far more driven by internalizations or impressed constructs along with how the mind limits true thinking, than thinking.
And how could it be otherwise?
We are impressed at an early age by family burden, race burden, societal burden and any “bad” events.
The mind puts its own “rose” (or nasty color) colored glasses on us to highlight the world by the impressed burdens and possible “bad” events that occurred early in our life.
Saying that there is a right or wrong way suggests that all people are aware enough to choose.
From what I’ve seen, I doubt 1 in 5000 is aware enough to even start making what we might perceive as “right” choices.
And then, if they are literals rather than cognitives the odds of them making the correct choice (at least, when it comes to health) is almost zero.
And there are those who have no clue as to why they feel justified to push their own self righteous behavior. But then, the need to be "right" is such a powerful elixir.