Re: Can the future or present change the past? (Not Karma)
True, there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" -
however, there is one rule that we each agreed to abide by when we took a body
in this reality and that is - to not invade the space of another person.
It is summarized on a body level as The Golden Rule which originates out of many
belief systems and religions.
Jesus gave an example of space invasion when he gave the illustration
"..if you lust after a woman in your heart, you have committed adultery
already." Jesus was a Jewish comedian, an early George Jessel.
In this illustration he wasn't giving some ethic or the teaching of a right or a
wrong, he was simply saying that whatever you think you are doing, as spirit,
you are doing it. If you wish another person dead, you have committed
murder. When you "hate your brother" (anyone on the planet), you
have committed murder. If you wish ill of another person, you have invaded
their space. It's that simple. It's what creates karma.
When asked what the greatest "law" was in the law and the prophets
(all the sacred writings of his day) he replied: "To love the lord thy god
with all thy heart and soul and to love thy neighbor as thyself, for this
is the law and the prophets." Here he reiterated what you
have said, that there is no such thing as right or wrong (the law and the
prophets is filled with dos and don'ts), but he also stated the law of the
planet, to love your neighbor as yourself. And the purveyors of ethics
totally ignore the second part of that quote which is - to love yourself.
If you don't love yourself, it is impossible to love your neighbor. It is
impossible to treat your neighbor with respect because you are not treating
yourself with respect.