Re: Doc visit results
For the sake of conversation, how do you know for SURE?:
>> "This was due to a complete "switching" from pathogenic state to healthy state. The 'flushing' of foriegn substance from body via urine, was evidence the immune-system went into full action. It was the state of healthiness which created the "euphoria"."
I don't remember the list of questions that I posed, but I'm skeptical of the above. If you truly went from a pathogenic state to a healthy one, then my questions are more, by 10-fold. If you went into a "healthy state" why didn't you remain in it? How do you know what the substance was (it could have been Candida which I arbitrarily picked as an example), or an undetected low-grade kidney infection, etc.
Also, if I remember correctly, you "crashed" when you no longer had the drug. That alone is TYPICAL drug dependency and withdrawal, which has nothing to do with "pathogens" leaving your system. There are a lot of people in the world who are health but aren't in a state of "euphoria"; yet again, for me this brings up another host of questions that I haven't even asked.
Although, I'm picking at this, I'm even more curious to see the entire write-up on this, if it is completed. The truth is, if you're able to make a "sound" presentation here, you should have no problems with presenting it to professionals for consideration. Again, I don't have the entire perspective or approach on this, but it needs to make sense for any serious consideration by anyone. Just a thought.