Thanks a lot Holly I really really appretiate your informed and experienced input. It's nice to know that once in a while somebody "gets it" and more so coming from someone who counsels folks with eating disorders. Again I thank you.
If you don't mind me asking. in what capacity do you counsel?
I ask both out of curiosity and maybe to encourage you to write a little something from counselors perspective that works with folks with eating disorders as to how fasting if used improperly as a weightloss diet without understanding how it works could lead to eating disorders. I can then either add it to my post on the FAQs or I can ask Spirit the guy who started this site to put it in the FAQs under it's own heading. If you don't feel like writting something do you mind if add your post to the compilation I already have in the FAQs
Unfortunately since fasting or the MC in particular has hit the mainstream celebrity gossip rags. I have seen it's main objective obfucated and diluted by the influx of uninformed desperate dieters looking for a magic diet or quick fix to the point that I would say that it very likely is contributing significantly to creating a "NEW" eating disorder akin to binge and purge cept now it's becoming "binge and fast"