That recipe is good, too. I think it's my favorite so far, even though I overbaked it. I made it into muffins and let them in too long. Since I made a mistake with the muffins and forgot to add the milk, when I read this recipe I was afraid that maybe there was supposed to be milk in it. I cut back on the sweetener because of my chronic fatigue, and replaced 2/3 of it with coconut milk. It might taste better with more sweetener, but for now I have to be careful. It's so great to be able to eat a baked dessert after dinner, all the while telling yourself it's your daily ration of fiber.
I have seen the chocolate cake recipe at a website; have you ever tried that? I shouldn't eat chocolate, but I was thinking of trying to make it with carob. I've made carob/peanut butter icing with coconut oil, peanut butter, and carob that would taste good on it.
Thanks again, it's so nice of you to type the recipes out for me.