Hi Naturalist,
I sometimes mix peanut butter, carob, coconut oil, and honey or agave syrup together and spread it on a piece of wax paper and chill it in the freezer. To me it tastes something like fudge. I was looking for a better recipe for it yesterday, but haven't tried anything yet because I'm a little under par. I have to get some coconut flakes so that it gets a better flavor and texture. I used to get some freeze dried coconut flakes from Wilderness Family Naturals, but they stopped selling it. They said it wasn't sweetened, but it was really sweet. I haven't found any yet that tastes as good as that stuff did. Is there a bread recipe made with coconut flour? I will look for Bruce's book next week. I had to order some stuff for my health this week, and am trying not to order to much stuff at one time.
I made the muffins yesterday and topped them with peanut butter mixed with coconut oil. They were really good. Since I have some kind of chest congestion I'm going to cut them out til this goes away. Do you mix coconut flour in your fudge?
Boy, thank God for all these new products. When I first had to cut out grains and
Sugar there was nothing but rice crispie treats made with barley malt.