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Re: what really works?
mackenzie2 Views: 3,169
Published: 18 y
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Re: what really works?

Thanks for your response, Stannie. Yes, Difulcan is hard on your liver, which is why I prefer Nystatin (until it stopped working, that is.) Unfortunately, since my candida is on my skin, doctors don't really have a choice but to deal with me. Because my problem is so bad, they can't just ignore my problem with a wink and a nod. I do believe, though, that if it is possible, it is best to go off of Difulcan after the 10-day period to give your liver a rest (and to take liver support supplements while you are taking it as well). I'm hoping that it is good news that my "die-off" symptoms are not as severe now as they were when I first began taking antifungals two months ago. Hopefully, that means that I'm not as bad off now.

I met a lady in the health food store this weekend who told me about Tea Tree Oil. She swears by it. She has a scalp fungal infection that would not go away and doctors kept telling her there was nothing they could do for her because it was all caused by stress. She said that the Tea Tree Oil has really worked for her. I bought some, and will try it next. I've read about Tea Tree Oil as being effective in several articles, so I'm hoping that will be the answer.


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