Re: what really works?
Thanks for the information! It was like a light going off in my head--so what if you kill off the candida if there is plenty of room in your intestines for it to regrow right back? If it has room, it definately will regrow, and it will do so very quickly. What really worries me is that I won't know when my intestinal flora will be up to going off the antifungals like Difulcan. Unfortunately, my candida has spread to my outer skin and as far as I'm concerned, it would as soon have me for dinner if I ever go off of Difulcan. Maybe this next opt out of Difulcan will be different. I certainly hope so.
But what really concerns me is that I saw my first candida string today. I wouldn't have even known what it was if it weren't for this forum, but I sure did know what it was when I saw it! I don't view this as good. When everyone here talks about seeing candida strings, I think it means that healing has a long way to go--it's no more good news than it is to find something that looks like cottage cheese coming out of you--it means that you are still very infected. Please tell me if I'm wrong (I would like to believe, oh, there's the candida string, now everything will be O.K.!)