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Orange Juice,freezing,growling,smoking
detour Views: 1,720
Published: 18 y
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Orange Juice,freezing,growling,smoking

hey there,

If one can handle swf one can handle oj...try blood orange juice...maybe the psych of it will make things easier, or tangelo...I have a packed tree now...they are great. Best to stick to the prescribed oranges, always, da book,da book!

All you can do is crank up the heat and down a cup of peppermint tea , put on 12 pairs of socks and longjohns and snuggle up ...totally normal. Also , try ,headstands for a minute at a pop. If too difficult, lay on your back , your legs and butt in the air, chin in your chest,holding yourself up by your butt.
Even if you are not cold this does wonders for you. try it for a week everybody.
The 'yang' of that position is to lay on your back. Arch your back toward the ceiling and tilt your head back so you are supporting your body at the butt and top of your head. Teeth together , not clenched,smirk that position for as long as you had your legs in the air...breath deep...don't know if it will help but I'd love to see it...just kidding :P try it,seriously...

the stomach growling thing is a nuisance. It happens to the best of us. Yet you have friends fasting with you, right? More than likely, everyone is in a different pitch . Instead of smoking try having some stomach growling jam sessions... 'Beethovan's fifth' is a good goal or 'Knock,knock,knockin' on Heaven's Door' is a good start.

NOW is the time to do what's right for you! Quit...just imagine yourself a year from you want to see a smoker,of course not...visualize your dreams..

speaking of dreams...night=night



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