The growling thing is prolly something you'll just hafta live with. You can try drinking more water and see if that helps.
I assume that you have read the re post from the FAQs regarding the MC and weight loss right? No form of fasting has ever been a weight loss diet. Common sense alone will tell you that you didn't loose no 9 lbs of fat in 3 days. It takes 3 days for the system just to empty out your digestive track of old food and poop so most of that 9 lbs is most likely water weight and poop and old food. If you haven't read the MC and weightloss post then read it cuase if you don't change your diet/lifestyle and go back to your old habits after the MC you will not only gain any weight lost back but maybe even put on more that you lost because all forms of fasting will slow the metabolism.
The best way to stop smoking is to just simply quit. The MC will help take out the toxins from cigs and help allay cravings but certainly not if you're gonna smoke thoughout the cleanse cause you'll keep putting the junk back in. Who knows what effect the clove oil will have on the efficacy of the MC to clean out the old nicotine and toxins in your system. It might do more harm than good. Keep doing the MC as is and just quit the cigs. If you're hungry or want another cig drink more lemonade and lots more water to keep the toxins moving out.
Also keep in mind that there are no magic potions or shortcuts and that a 10 day MC is just the >minimum< recomended so don't expect any miracles.