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Re: Can I have a tiny bit of fat before 2 pm on day of flush? - NO!

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

rocquetgirl Views: 1,464
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 802,202

Re: Can I have a tiny bit of fat before 2 pm on day of flush? - NO!

I've only done one flush so far but I accidentally had a teaspoon of oil for my candida protocol that morning and still ended up with about 200 stones. I did ES capsules since I didn't want to turn myself off of it on the first go-round. I hear the OO (Olive-Oil) goes better through a big straw. I have to do lemon because of the candida and parasites and I didn't find it all that terrible, but then I drank the oil and juice separately. I mean, it was terrible, but not all that...I slept solidly through the night and didn't have any BMs til 11am. So it's different for everyone. Don't give up! You did a good job!



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